That's a joke that I've been making here when someone asks what my plans are or if I can do something, "Let me check my calendar...". It's a joke because my calendar is blank, which probably hasn't happened since I was 4. I have tried to explain to a couple of people here about the North Dallas way of life - if you aren't overbooked, you aren't living. I know Dr. Denison used to preach on that subject often since it was so prevalent in our church. It has been quite a learning experience to just slow down and enjoy each moment as it comes. It hasn't been the easiest adjustment not having a schedule of activities or a list of friends to call, but the Lord is already providing. And I know the idea is to actually "Be Still" once and while...I'm learning.
Last week I was invited to a ballet recital by the Stewarts, other CAM missionaries here. I didn't know the girls in it or where it was, but who am I to turn down an invitation these days, and I had taken years of dance, so I was sure that I would enjoy it. I met up with them to carpool and it turned out it was being held at the National Theater in the center of the capital! It was a story ballet with characters and songs from various popular ballets. I was very glad that I went!
Outside of theater |
Theater lobby |
I had my first meeting at CAG, the school for missionary children, and was invited to a Bible study for ladies who work there. I attended on Monday night and they are studying the book of Esther. It was great to meet some of the people that I will be working with and fellowship with them too. That night I was invited to a dinner that happens every Wednesday night with some of the younger teachers and is given by a missionary wife here in her beautiful home. We had salad, enchiladas, and chocolate chip cake, and I got to meet some more girls from CAG. I was even more thankful that I attended that one! Now I know why the girls said they look forward to Wednesdays so much...I am very grateful for people trying to make my adjustment here an easier one.
I actually had an uninvited guest when I returned home Saturday night - a scorpion crawled out from behind my armoire. I may or may not have screamed, the only witness is no longer living. I sprayed it with roach spray and then hit it with my dust pan and threw it out into the garden. Funny now, yes... It is for sure the first one I've ever seen alive, even after 10+ years of summer camp, and I was not impressed. I talked to my landlord the next day and 24 hours later there was an exterminator at my door. I had to leave for the afternoon, but hopefully I have returned to a scorpion- and freakishly large spider-free home for the next two months.
yo lo maté! |
Sunday held the final round of elections for the next president of Guatemala. Things were calm overall, which is a blessing for this country.
Otto Pérez Molina, a retired military general, came out on top. It remains to be seen what will happen; I heard him called "el menos peor"- literally "the least worst" - multiple times. Please pray for the
future of Guatemala as it changes hands next year.
And lastly, my parents bought plane tickets to visit me in January!! I'm so excited and I know that I will be so ready to see them after missing them over the holidays!! :)
the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into
exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will
prosper.” Jeremiah 29:7