Thursday, March 22, 2012

John & Kay: Passport to Latin America

At the beginning of March, I had the pleasure of hosting my parents in Guate for the first time! They arrived on an evening flight and my good friend Berta accompanied me to the airport to pick them up. For those who know my parents, the idea of John and Kay heading to Guatemala for a week is pretty funny. I'm thinking some of my dad's co-workers didn't believe him. But it was true! This was the trip that was rescheduled from January when my mom had her knee surgery, and thanks to some excellent physical therapy, she was up to the challenge. I had been counting down the days!

They spent the first night at a nearby mission home and I picked them up the next morning to show them my house and to eat some breakfast. Then our van came to take us to Panajachel! It is about a 3 hour drive from the city, but so worth it to see one of the most beautiful lakes in the world - Lake Atitlan! I had been there twice before but was so eager to go back. It is one of the most incredible places I've ever been; it's even in the book 1000 Places to See Before You Die. So I thought my parents should see it! We had a wonderful time walking around the little town, visiting the market, and eating at some great restaurants. And my parents were introduced to Tuk-tuks, the little motorized cars that everyone uses to get around. There were not too many other tourists since it was off-season and the middle of the week.

Lake Atitlan

 The second day we took a little boat across the lake to visit the market at Santiago. My mom and I had a great time shopping around, while my dad enjoyed the view of the lake while he waited for us ;) We also visited a nature reserve with a beautiful butterfly house.

The following day it was off to Antigua - a town about 30 minutes from the capital that is famous for its  Spanish colonial style. We visited the ruins of various cathedrals (all brought down by earthquakes in the 1700s) and ate a lot of great food! Our hotel was beautiful with 2 gardens, a nice restaurant, and marimba players in the afternoon.

View of Antigua from Cerro de la Cruz
Famous Arch
Central Park Cathedral
Central Park

Hotel Posada del Don Rodrigo
The following day we visited another of my favorite places, Finca Filadelfia Coffee Resort. If you know me at all, you know I have a bit of a coffee addiction, which only intensifies when I'm in Guatemala surrounded by amazing coffee. Filadelfia is a gorgeous plantation with great coffee and a 5-star restaurant. We took the hour and a half coffee tour which is so informative - it ties together the rigorous coffee production process with information about the people and local economy. And when you're through, you get to drink some! That's the best part. I don't think my mom wanted to leave.

After a very full week, we traveled back to the capital and stayed together in a hotel near my house. We met some of my good Guatemalan friends for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. It was so neat to have my parents finally meet the friends that are so important to me here! On Sunday I drove them to Los Cerritos so they could see my ministry in person. Then Monday morning we headed out early to the airport. But honestly, the week was so great and I was so thankful for the time that we spent together, that I didn't even really feel sad! I am so grateful that my parents are so supportive of my ministry in Guate and now they can understand a little bit more about why the Lord would have me serve here for awhile - to share the love that I've been given in a place that needs a lot of hope!

Psalm 31:19
How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

This is love.

1 John 4:9-11 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

So I had been excited for quite awhile when my good friend and Buckner employee, Brynn Anderson, told me she would be leading a group to Guate at the beginning of 2012. We have both been serving with Buckner for some time, but never together. Then another good PCBC friend, LeeAnne, told me she was coming here with a dental team. And just a few weeks ago, 2 women from PCBC who have taught me a ton about serving, Karen and Susan, wrote to let me know they would be in Guate soon. Imagine my surprise and excitement when my slooowww mind realized they were all coming on the same trip!! And to top it all off - what was the focus of their visit? The Los Cerritos CTC! They were coming to love on MY kiddos! I love when the Lord's plans become so clear to us - even to those of us who take awhile to catch on ;)
Brynn & I
The team arrived on Tuesday the 21st and I met up with them Wednesday morning at Los Cerritos. It was so wonderful to see so many familiar faces and meet new people who had come to ready to serve. I was so impressed with their organization and focus. The theme of the trip was 'Your body is a temple' and all of the activities revolved around health and hygiene - information that is definitely lacking in many parts of Guatemala. It may seem strange, but there are many children/families who don't know how much impact proper hygiene can have on their lives. And when you don't have access to appropriate medical care, this knowledge really can make all the difference. The team came with lessons on germs and hand-washing, avoiding spreading illness, bathing and hair care, teeth brushing and care, and healthy eating. All of these were tied to the truth that the Lord cares for you and created you perfectly and you need to care for yourself. What a way to impact those kids now and for eternity!
Theme Banner
Healthy snacks only!
Bible story
Cliff-side tooth brushing
Healthy teeth
Shiny and clean!
Free professional haircuts!!
On Friday, dentist Dr. Bill Sadler and his hygienist, my friend LeeAnne, arrived at the CTC with portable dental chairs, cleaning tools, and syringes and anesthetic. And where did they set up? My classroom! They worked from 8 to 3:30 cleaning, correcting, and pulling (!) teeth, along with Cynthia, the head of health services for Buckner Dallas. What a blessing to this community - free dental care from an amazing Christian man for families who have almost no access! I was so impressed with the upbeat attitude of them all, even though many of the cases they saw were severe. They repeated this process Saturday at the Jocotenango CTC. And then, after a full day of work, Dr. Sadler led us all in devotion and song on the bus back to the hotel! "His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me...". Even I got to be a small part of the dental clinic, painting fluoride on children's teeth to seal them from plaque. Some women from the community helped us out with this - what a neat experience to watch them serving in their own neighborhood! It was also great to meet Eric, who has started a company that is the "TOMS of toothbrushes" - buy one and give one to a child in need. Check out his website and help send toothbrushes to children around the world:
Team Fluoride 
LeeAnne hard at work
Dr. Sadler & team
Watch out, kids!
During those 4 days, as I walked around and saw the smiling faces of my students (and their mothers), and I saw the team members giving hugs, holding hands, making crafts, brushing teeth, cutting hair, washing hands, sharing snacks, and smiling, I just kept having one thought in my head - This is Love.

Thank you to the team for leaving jobs and family for a week to love others as you have been loved - may He bless you abundantly! I hope more and more people like you are able to experience the joys of serving for Him in Guatemala!