New year, new house, new job, new roommate...I have been busy! After the
new year I moved to a little casita behind some other CAM missionaries.
It is in a smaller, more closely guarded neighborhood and has some
upgraded amenities - like a door to the bathroom and a water heater -
woohoo! My CAM roommate also came the first week of January. Her name is
Sarah and we had met before at a CAM conference in Dallas. She is from
outside of Austin and is teaching 1st grade full time at CAG where I do
speech therapy. We've only got one bedroom and one bathroom, but we're working it out.
Living room |
Kitchen |
Front door |
View from the gate :) |
Also in January, my parents were supposed to be coming to visit me. I was really looking forward to it after spending the holidays apart, but my mom tore her knee over Christmas and the doctor said that she needed repair surgery right away. We were all upset but knew it was the the best thing for her to get on the road to recovery. So, since I had already scheduled vacation during that time, we decided that I would make a quick trip home, to help my mom and see the rest of my family. It was such a blessing to see close friends and family and attend PCBC on Sunday. I was only home for 10 days but time filled with people that you love sure is refreshing for the soul. I am so thankful for the support that I have from so many. It was a super-quick trip, and I spent most of it with my parents, so if I didn't get to see you, I hope that I will get to the next time.
Good friends |
More good friends |
Mi amiga Paulina |
Before I left for that trip, I got to participate in the engagement of a dear friend, Allison, who I met here in Guatemala in 2010. She is from Illinois and has been dating Nino long-distance for some time and was coming to visit him on her vacation. He asked me and another friend to be part of the surprise - it was so fun to be part of their important event, and as you can see it was a beautiful evening.

I have started doing speech therapy (in English, of course) 2 days per week at CAG, the
school for children of missionaries. I have 16 kids that I see in groups
of one to two twice a week - it is definitely a busy day! It is also
interesting to do therapy without a shelf full of books or 4 great
speech pathologists right outside my office door, but I'm learning, and
the internet is a great tool to find helpful resources. I enjoy my time
with the kids and the knowledge that by serving these kids, I'm serving
their families and their ministries too. And it is about 4 minutes from my house and has a gorgeous campus! I will take some pics of it sometime soon.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers - even though I've been here 4 months, the adjustment continues and I am continually learning more about ministry and about myself and how to truly depend on the Lord to provide all that I need.
Psalm 91: 1-2
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”