Also in January, a prayer request was answered that I had been praying
about for awhile. Once we determined that I was only needed 2 days at
CAG, I wasn't sure where else the Lord wanted me to serve during my time
here. While there are a lot of opportunities and plenty of need, transportation presents
quite the problem, and many of my contacts have ministries an hour away
or more. Not the best use of time or gasoline. I asked our missions
pastor what he thought about me partnering directly with Buckner
International during my time here and he agreed it would be a great
place to check into. One of their Community Transformation Centers is
about 25-40 minutes from here (depends on the traffic). A CTC "is a
central hub where children and families can receive social
services, food, education, job training and build lasting
relationships," and Buckner has 3 in Guatemala. They were born out of the idea of stopping the cycle that creates so many social orphans here. I met with the Buckner staff and they had been looking
for someone to continue the children's ESL classes that they had last
year at their Los Cerritos site, and it all seemed to fall into place.
Los Cerritos is a neighborhood located just off Puente Incienso - a 6-lane bridge that I read is the highest in Central America. The exit for the CTC is the last one on the bridge and then the buildings are right there on the side, with tons of tiny homes going up and down the sides of the ravine. It also has the unfortunate nickname of the 'suicide bridge' - I'm guessing that one doesn't need explanation.
It is run daily by 3 staff members - Patricia, the director, Karen, her assistant, and Christian, the doctor. They have been so kind and helpful since I started.
Front of CTC |
Mi clase! |
I have 6 classes each day - which has thoroughly reinforced that I was not cut out to be a 'real' teacher. I really don't know how you all do it - repeating the same information over and over to various groups of kids who may or may not be paying attention. I get so tired! And sometimes my Spanish doesn't quite cut it; luckily they are patient with me. But I am really enjoying getting to know the kids and watching as they put their trust in me a little more each day. I know many of them have home lives in disarray and the CTC is a place of rest and peace. I also like that they are participating in such a positive extra-cirricular activity that can only help with their English classes at school and with their futures. And we have fun while doing it! You should see a room full of them playing "paper, rock, scissors"!

The 50+ students range in age from 4 to 15, so I have quite the adjustment when it comes to planning. I use the lesson plans from the last teacher as well as the internet and try to make the lessons interactive and fun. So far we have been having a new lesson on Monday and Wednesday and on Friday we review and read a story from a children's Bible, which I use as the basis for new vocabulary. For example, last Friday's topic was "In His Image" and we learned names for body parts. I want the kids to know the reason that I'm here, the reason that I'm teaching, and the source of the love that I'm able to share with them. I look forward to getting to know them more and being a person in their life that they can trust loves and cares for them.
Carmencita |
Junior |
Ana, Estrella, Sharon |
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in
you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have
sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity.
Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as
you have loved me.
John 17:20-23
So proud of you, Maestra! You're right, teaching is downright impossible...and I get to teach in English! The kids are adorable. So happy they have you. xoxo
ReplyDeleteHola! Erin, God is definitely using you with His precious children. You continue to be in my prayers everyday. Thank you for your servant's heart and for being the hands and feet of Jesus to all of His precious children in Guatemala. You are such a treasured gift from God. Meg :)